You wake up in a puddle and have no idea how you got here. Bastion is smoggy, hot, and rainy all at once. [[Stay in the puddle->Somebody throws a brick at you]] <% var r = roll(1,6); %> <%= "[[Get up and explore->" + get_page_by_tag('page-' + r) + "]]" %> Your reflection looks back at you before leaping out of the puddle and attacking you. <% monster = {str: player.str, max_dmg: player.max_dmg, name: "your reflection" }; player.last_location = get_page_by_tag("page-2"); %> [[Attack->Combat]] You pass a drinking fountain, and it smells real bad. <% r = roll(1,6) + 10; %> <%= "[[" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + r) + "<-Drink some.]]" %> [[The Sun's out<-Wander off.]]A voice comes from a sewer hole. You look down and it's yourself, but horribly warty and green. They throw a brick at you for and flee. <% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg; %> You take <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1) ? "s" : "" %> of damage (your remaining STR: <%= player.str %>). <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good.->The White Room]] <% } else { %> <% r = roll(1,6) + 4 %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + r) + "]]" %> <% } %>Somebody throws a brick at you from the rooftop! <% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg; %> You take <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1) ? "s" : "" %> of damage (your remaining STR: <%= player.str %>). <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good.->The White Room]] <% } else { %> <% r = roll(1,6) + 4 %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + r) + "]]" %> <% } %>You're drawn into a coffee shop by the smell of percolation. Poets are shouting at each other. [[Order coffer->The last of your money]] [[Explore other shops->Lights in the sky grow brighter]] The Sun's out. [[Take a walk->Feeling pretty good]] <%= "[[Run for cover->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %>It starts raining really hard. [[Stay out in the rain->The sound of rain]] <%= "[[Run for cover->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %> <% monster = { str: 10, max_dmg: 6, name: "a soggy Mock Monkey", }; player.last_location = get_page_by_tag("page-9"); %> <% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg; %> Down a tunnel, into a sewer. Someone throws a brick out of the darkness for <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1) ? "s" : "" %> of damage. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You feel a little woozy->The White Room]] <% } else { %> You look for your attacker. Further down the tunnel, you find <%= %> fumbling around in the dark. [[Let Mock Monkey follow you to the surface->Alien voice]] [[Give the Mock Monkey the slip->Feeling pretty good]] <% } %>You've found your way home, but it's on fire! Too late to save anything. Oh well. <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (player.seen_home_fire ? "26" : "8") ) + "]]" %> <% player.seen_home_fire = true %>A bit of your face turns to stone and falls off. <% if (player.seen_petrification) { %> [[Continue->The White Room]] <% } else { %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %> <% player.seen_petrification = true %> <% } %> <% dmg = roll(1,4); player.str -= dmg %> Argh! It had a poop in it! You vomit and take <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1) ? "s" : "" %> of damage (current STR: <%= player.str %>). <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } else { %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %> <% } %>You get x-ray vision for a minute and then it passes. <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %>There's an alien voice. <%= "[[Ignore it->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %> [[Answer it->Lights in the sky grow brighter]] A clump of skin falls off your face. <%= "[[Poke at it->" + get_page_by_tag("page-11") + "]]" %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %>Pretty tasty. Like a peach. [[Continue->Feeling pretty good]] <% player.str = player.max_str %> You're feeling pretty good, so you take a break. Recover all lost STR (current STR: <%= player.str %>). <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 18)) + "]]" %><% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg %> The sound of the rain on the rooftops is pretty soothing, until lightning strikes the ground next to you and a gutter pipe falls down and whacks you on the head for <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1 ? "s" : "") %> damage. You stagger about before collapsing. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You feel very dizzy->The White Room]] <% } else { %> [[Continue|You wake up]] <% } %> A begger on the street has a froggy head, he looks pretty pitiful. You probably can beat him up. <% monster = { str: 5, max_dmg: 4, name: "a beggar", }; player.last_location = get_page_by_tag("page-19"); %> [[Attack the begger->Combat]] [[Toss him a coin->The last of your money]]There's a shard of metal on the floor. Might be good in a fight (d6 damage). <% player.max_dmg = 6; player.weapon_description = "a shard of metal" %> You now wield <%= player.weapon_description %>. [[Continue->Lights in the sky grow brighter]]Someone is whistling from the rooftop. [[Call out to them->Somebody throws a brick at you]] [[Continue without acknowledging them->Lights in the sky grow brighter]]<% monster = { str: 16, max_dmg: 8, name: "an escaped Bull" }; player.last_location = get_page_by_tag("page-22"); %> There's an <%= %> running through the street! [[Combat]]<% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg; %> The ground around you collapses and you're plunged into the Underground! You take <%= dmg %> point<%= dmg > 1 ? "s" : "" %> of damage from the fall. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } else { %> You currently have STR: <%= player.str %>. [[Climb back to the surface->Lights in the sky grow brighter]] [[Stay down below->Down a tunnel]] <% } %> Where is this place... you're pretty lost. [[Ask someone for directions->Somebody throws a brick at you]] <%= "[[Figure it out on your own->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,20) + 2)) + "]]" %> You have used the last of your money. <% if (player.seen_bankruptcy) { %> <% monster = { str: 15, max_dmg: 6, name: "a group of Thugs", }; player.last_location = get_page_by_tag("page-3"); %> Unfortunately, <%= %> is here to collect your debts. [[Combat]] <% } else { %> <% player.seen_bankruptcy = true %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 4)) + "]]" %> <% } %> <% dmg = roll(1,20); player.str -= dmg %> Lights in the sky grow brighter...then blast the city with radiant light. You take <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1 ? "s" : "") %> of damage. <% if (player.str > 1) { %> <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 25)) + "]]" %> <% } else { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } %> There's a woosh of air and everything is as it was. <%= "[[Continue->" + get_page_by_tag("page-" + (roll(1,6) + 1)) + "]]" %><% dmg = roll(1,6); player.str -= dmg; %> A floating craft appears in the sky, and throws a brick at you. You take <%= dmg %> point<%= dmg > 1 ? "s" : "" %> of damage. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } else { %> You currently have STR: <%= player.str %>. [[Scamper away->Victory]] <% } %> <% dmg = roll(1,10); player.str -= dmg; %> The city itself is lifted into the air. Take d10 damage as buildings crumble around you. You take <%= dmg %> point<%= dmg > 1 ? "s" : "" %> of damage. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } else { %> You currently have STR: <%= player.str %>. [[Hang on to a lamp post->Victory]] <% } %> <% dmg = roll(1,12); player.str -= dmg; %> A wave of slime washes out of the Underground. You take <%= dmg %> point<%= dmg > 1 ? "s" : "" %> of damage. <% if (player.str < 1) { %> [[You don't feel so good->The White Room]] <% } else { %> You currently have STR: <%= player.str %>. [[Use a nearby rag to wipe yourself clean->Victory]] <% } %> You feel your body surge with power. Increase all Ability Scores to 20 and become a demigod. *Victory!* <%= show_final_score() %> [[Play again?->It begins]]After a moment of blackness, you travel down dark hallway to an illuminated archway. You fear what lies ahead of you, but you cannot turn back. With a shudder, your old life sloughes off and you speed towards an unknown country. _YOU HAVE DIED_ <%= show_final_score() %> [[Start again->It begins]]<% initialize() %> Your character has a Strength (STR) attribute of: <%= player.str %> You currently have no weapons but <%= player.weapon_description %>. In combat, you and your opponate alternate attacks. Attacks always hit, but do a variable amount of damage depending on the weapon. Damage is subtracted from the target's STR. At STR 0, the target is defeated. If the target is you, the game ends. You may attempt to flee during combat. Choose the flee option to make the attempt. Fleeing has a 50% chance of succeeding. [[Continue->You wake up]]<%= combat(player, monster) %> <% success = roll(1,6) %> <% if (success > 3) { %> You run for your life. After a long pursuit, you gain your freedom. [[Continue->Drinking fountain]] <% } else { %> <% dmg = roll(1, monster.max_dmg); player.str -= dmg %> Your attempt to flee has failed. You are attacked by <%= %> for <%= dmg %> point<%= (dmg > 1 ? "s" : "") %> of damage. [[Continue->Combat]] <% } %>